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Upgrading the Subnet

Upgrading the Checkpoing Smart Contract (CSC)

The CSC is deployed as an upgradable smart contract. For further reading please check XDC-CSC. Upgrading can only be done by the original wallet that deployed the CSC. Under generated directory, specify the private key in common.env with the ENV PARENTNET_WALLET_PK. Then run the following command, specify the CSC version to upgrade with <CSC_VERSION> as a docker tag.

docker run --env-file common.env   \
-v $(pwd)/../generated/:/app/config \
--network host \
--entrypoint './docker/' xinfinorg/csc:<CSC_VERSION>

If the CSC upgrade keeps failing, it could be due to these 2 common reasons:

  1. The wallet is out of funds.
  2. The wallet is being used somewhere else causing a transaction clash, eg. the Relayer is using the same wallet.

Upgrading Subnet deployment

  1. Go to docker-compose.yml under generated directory.
  2. Change the docker image tag of your desired component(s).
  3. Run:
  docker compose --env-file docker-compose.env --profile machine1 up -d
docker compose --env-file docker-compose.env --profile services up -d

Using latest tag is not recommended since not all components version are not guaranteed to be compatible.